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Creative Europe

Do you plan to submit your Erasmus+ project proposal? 

Let’s join forces! 


The new Creative Europe Programme is one of the financial instruments of the "Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027" and is a unique initiative for coordinated and constructive support in the cultural, creative and audiovisual sectors across the European continent. Its main objective is to promote the European Culture and to contribute to the formation of a European cultural identity. 

The budget reaches the amount of € 2.4 billion, which is higher compared to the original EU proposal, due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the cultural and creative sector. 

The "Creative Europe 2021-2027" Programme builds on the achievements of the former "Creative Europe 2014-2020" Programme, but is more ambitious and seeks to respond to recent developments, such as increased global competition and digitisation. 

The Creative Europe Programme consists of the "Culture" and "MEDIA" sub-programmes, as well as a "Cross-sectoral action", and is structured as follows: 

  1. Media: At least 58% of the budget will be allocated to funding audiovisual projects and enhancing the competitiveness of the audiovisual sector in Europe. The MEDIA programme will continue to support the development, distribution and promotion of European films, television programs and video games. More money will be invested in the coming years in the international promotion and distribution of European works as well as innovative narrative media, including virtual reality. An online index of EU films will be created to enhance the accessibility and visibility of European works. 
  2. Culture: At least 33% of the budget will be allocated to promoting Europe's cultural and creative sector. Transnational collaboration projects, networks, platforms and literary translation will be funded to highlight talented artists across Europe and facilitate cross-border collaboration between creators. 
  3. Cross-sectoral Action: Up to 9% of the budget will be allocated to the financing of SMEs and other organizations active in the cultural and creative sectors. Funding will also be used to foster synergies between, among other policies and the cultural sector across the EU, in order to encourage an environment of media freedom, diversity and pluralism, and to support quality journalism and literacy in inside. 

The 27 EU member-states, the candidate countries, the potential candidate countries, the EFTA countries and the European Neighborhood Policy countries can participate in the programme. 

Eligible organisations: 

  • Public, 
  • private, 
  • NGOs and other organisations and companies operating in the creative, 
  • audiovisual and cultural sector



The new Creative Europe Programme is a unique initiative for coordinated and constructive support.
